Urban Dating Sites & Urban Personals Sites
'Urban' Dating Sites*

Along with Urban Passions (the site you are on now), there aren't too many other sites focused solely on connecting urban singles. The sites listed below range from those focused on urban dating to others focused on urban singles chat. The primary goal is to connect urban singles online. Each site, regardless of the company running it, shares many of the same characteristics as many of the other sites. So, if you are looking for a great dating site focused on urban singles, then there are at least a few list here to check out. Take your time and see if any of the sites below look like a fit for you.


Urban Chat City Homepage Image
Urban Chat City

Where Urban Singles Meet Online
Meeting in person can be tricky if you haven't checked each other out online first. Urban Chat City provides access to webcam chat (if you are a registered member), so if you like the site and you want to check out potential dates prior to meeting IRL, then this could be the right site for you.

Urban Social Homepage Image
Urban Social

Dating For Sociable Urban Singles
Meet local urban singles on UrbanSocial - the dating site for local sociable urban singles.


*Sites listed on this page are a combination of ads, affiliate related Sites and general non-partnership related sites that match the theme of Urban Passions.